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QingCheng IoT Cloud Platform
QingCheng IoT Cloud Platform
Combines IoT and cloud computing technologies to provide data query, data display, remote configuration, intelligent monitoring and active alarming functions.
Real-time display of equipment operating state parameters and waveform, according to the equipment operating parameters to divide the level of damage, automatic trigger alarm when the equipment running abnormal.
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Qingcheng IoT Cloud Platform
Qingcheng IoT Cloud Platform ( is developed by Qingcheng company for equipment monitoring products, which combines IoT and cloud computing technologies to provide data query, data display, remote configuration, intelligent monitoring and active alarming functions. Users can use mobile phones, tablets, and computers to obtain the status of the sensing devices and assets, receive early warnings and alarms, and control the devices.

Real-time display of AE signal parameters and waveforms like Counts, Duration, Rise time, Rise counts, Amplitude, ASL, RMS, and Energy.
Query of more than 1-year historical data.
Enables remote configuration
Friendly interface, simple operation
Support customization and third-party systems
Activity level rating of AE signal: the activity level of the signal is calculated according to the activity of the signal
Intensity level rating of AE signal: the intensity level of the signal is calculated according to the intensity of the signal
Comprehensive level rating: combining activity level and intensity level

Automatic alarm via SMS or email (depending on the severity level of the signal)
Free to add alarm equipment
Set alarm parameters freely
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